CAEAA/CCAE - 2021/2022
October 22, 2021
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Meet Our Speakers
Click on each guest speaker's photo to read their complete bio.
Click on each guest speaker's photo to read their complete bio.
Carlos RodriguezTeacher, LAUSD Division of Adult and Career Education
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Dr. Carolyn ZachryState Director and Education Administrator, Adult Education Office of the CDE
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Paul SteenhauseFiscal and Policy Analyst, Legislative Analyst's Office
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Steve CurielPrincipal, Huntington Beach Adult School
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Kathleen PorterExecutive Director of Career Technical, Adult, and Alternative Education, Poway USD
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Laura ChardietCoordinator of Program and Policy Development, LAUSD Division of Adult and Career Education
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Dawn KoepkePartner, McHugh Koepke & Associates
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