Past Legislation
May 2022 Legislative Update.
May Revise
The Governor proposes a robust budget that significantly increases spending in K-12. Keep in mind that the revise, for the most part, focuses on changes to the January budget proposal. Not mentioned is the proposal for Healthcare Vocational Education through CAEP. That proposal remains unchanged but keep in mind it is still a proposal.
The Governor proposes a robust budget that significantly increases spending in K-12. Keep in mind that the revise, for the most part, focuses on changes to the January budget proposal. Not mentioned is the proposal for Healthcare Vocational Education through CAEP. That proposal remains unchanged but keep in mind it is still a proposal.
K-12 COLA and Adult Education
The statutory COLA is now 6.56% and CAEP is included in the proposal
The statutory COLA is now 6.56% and CAEP is included in the proposal
LCFF Base Increase
The Governor proposes a 3% increase to LCFF base funding. The funding is intended to “mitigate the impacts of rising pension obligations, increased costs for goods and services, and other ongoing local budget concerns. While we appreciate this effort to further address increased costs of operations for K-12 districts, the funding would most likely not be accessible by Adult School programs who face the same operation cost increases.
The Governor proposes a 3% increase to LCFF base funding. The funding is intended to “mitigate the impacts of rising pension obligations, increased costs for goods and services, and other ongoing local budget concerns. While we appreciate this effort to further address increased costs of operations for K-12 districts, the funding would most likely not be accessible by Adult School programs who face the same operation cost increases.
Teacher Credentialing
We are happy to report that in the detailed budget, there is proposed language to include adult education preliminary credential fees for a fee waiver.
We are happy to report that in the detailed budget, there is proposed language to include adult education preliminary credential fees for a fee waiver.
AB 1491 (McCarty)
AB 1491 continues to make progress on the Senate side. We recently made the following edits in response to feedback from the field
AB 1491 continues to make progress on the Senate side. We recently made the following edits in response to feedback from the field
- Increase carryover trigger limit from 15% to 20%
- Added language to ensure that carryover funds always remain within the region. They can not go back to the State.
- Clarified that a member deemed ineffective as a result of carryover will have their full allocation is restored the following year after a carryover issue has been addressed.
AB 2573 (McCarty)
In an effort to provide more stability to teachers in Adult Education, AB 2573 removes language from Ed Code that allowed K-12 districts to keep Adult School and ROP teachers who would normally qualify for permanent status to be kept in temporary status indefinitely. This bill would not allow this practice to continue in Adult Education and ROP.
In an effort to provide more stability to teachers in Adult Education, AB 2573 removes language from Ed Code that allowed K-12 districts to keep Adult School and ROP teachers who would normally qualify for permanent status to be kept in temporary status indefinitely. This bill would not allow this practice to continue in Adult Education and ROP.
Bill Text for SCR-25 Adult Education Week (Hurtado)
Bill Text for SB-61 Workforce Training Programs:
Supportive Services |
Bill Text for AB-1491 Adult Education: Consortia:
Carryover of Allocated Funds Vertical Divider
Bill Text for SB-609 CalFresh